Microstructure reconstruction and numerical simulation of porous electrode of...
Fuel cell is a kind of power generation device with high efficiency and less pollutant. Recently, a research reconstructed the microstructure of the porous electrode of fuel cell using numerical...
View ArticleThe laser performs aerial ballet — rotary disk laser with optically driven...
The group led by Prof. Jianlang Li, from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, proposed a maglev and rotary disk laser by combining the rotary disk laser...
View ArticleGenetically correcting a muscle disorder
In theory, new gene editing techniques offer a means to treat genetic disorders.
View ArticleA father’s diet affects the RNA of his sperm
Two new studies in mice demonstrate how a father’s diet affects levels of specific small RNAS in his sperm, which in turn can affect gene regulation in offspring.
View ArticleNew technique offers strong, flawless 3-D printed ceramics
Researchers have developed a way to create ceramics using 3-D printing that results in a strong material with little tendency to crack and that can be shaped into complex, curved and porous shapes.
View ArticleHow epigenetics can affect ants’ behavior
By applying compounds that cause epigenetic changes to ants, researchers were able to change the insects’ behavior. Epigenetics is a process where environmental factors switch genes 'on' and 'off',...
View ArticlePhysiological effects of social relationships
Social relationships may have early and lasting effects on physiology, according to a study. Social isolation has long been associated with increased mortality, but the underlying biological...
View ArticleOxygen levels in the prehistoric atmosphere
Researchers report evidence of oxygen levels sufficient for animal respiration long before animals evolved.
View ArticleNeutralizing antibodies and protection against dengue virus
Researchers report insight into the relationship between neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) and protection against dengue virus infection. Dengue virus infects up to 390 million people annually, and an...
View ArticleMortality and socioeconomic status in the United States and Costa Rica
Researchers report that mortality varies with socioeconomic status (SES) much more in the United States than in Costa Rica.
View ArticleWeight history and mortality
Researchers report that an individual’s mortality risk is strongly associated with their body weight history.
View ArticleClimate change and tree growth
Climate change might be associated with synchronized patterns of tree growth across certain large swaths of the planet, with high temperatures and intense climate extremes now exerting about as much...
View ArticleConflict and social influence
Researchers report that a social network-based intervention reduced student conflict in schools. Student conflict, particularly bullying, has recently received a surge in research and policy...
View ArticleSurvey on geoengineering policy
Surveys that reveal the reasoning behind public opinion could help policymakers evaluate new and controversial climate engineering technologies, according to a study.
View ArticleAlso of interest from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Researchers report the development of nanoparticles made from repetitively branched molecules that could effectively deliver small RNAs to liver cancer cells with low toxicity to normal tissue, and...
View ArticleExercise and diet improves ability to exercise for patients with common type...
Among obese older patients with a common type of heart failure, calorie restriction or aerobic exercise training improved their ability to exercise without experiencing shortness of breath, although...
View ArticleLong-term follow-up of risk of cancer among twins
In a long-term follow-up study among approximately 200,000 Nordic twin individuals, there was an increased cancer risk in twins whose co-twin was diagnosed with cancer, with an increased risk for...
View ArticleTesting and antiretroviral drugs may cut HIV infections among MSM by two-thirds
More frequent testing followed by treatment with available antiretroviral drugs may cut human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections by 66% among men having sex with men (MSM), according to a study...
View ArticleWinner announced for Dove Medical Press inaugural Chinese Video Abstract Award
Dove Medical press is pleased to announce the winner for their inaugural Chinese Video Abstract Award (2015).
View ArticleThe iceman’s gut microbes shed light on ancient human geography
Analysis of microbes from the gut of the 'Iceman', a famous 5,300-year-old European glacial mummy, provides insights into not only his health status right before he was murdered, but historical human...
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